Why Barracuda?

  • We are 100% asset based, so rest assured your freight will reach its destination safely on our trucks.
  • We understand each customer is different, so we tailor our service to your specific needs.

  • We effectively utilize our communication channels and tracking software to keep you in the know.
  • We service our entire fleet bimonthly to maintain reliability and provide an incredible on time percentage.
  • We are Barracuda Logistics and we simply work because PARTNERSHIP = SERVICE + SAFETY


Dry Van Truckload


Time Critical Service

Barracuda Logistics is an exceptional asset-based truckload provider, utilizing a late model fleet. Whether we are running local, regional, or cross country you will get the same service from our professional and uniformed team.
Your freight will be tracked by the latest technology thru fully integrated applications, including live tracking and 24/7 customer service.
Safety and service are the founding pillars of our culture. This is the reason we are able to provide exceptional on time percentages while safely transporting your freight anywhere you need it to be.